
Create An Article Marketing Web Site And Business

With the continuous growth of the Internet, web site owners are overwhelmed in the amount of content that needs to be on their sites.There is a need for content in all areas of a web site. Here are just a few Camping Hiking areas.Blogs Product Descriptions Reviews Page ContentBy creating a niche web site in the area of content writing, you can earn yourself a very nice income by providing other web site owners content for their web site.How Does This WorkThe web site for this type Digital Camera Memory Cards of business is very easy to design. The main work will involve contacting a lot of web site owners about providing content for their web sites and building yourself up a reputation of Womens Shoes Accessories being able to provide this service.It would help if you have had some writing experience yourself so that you have a feel for what web site owners need.This is not a business where you are going to write all the articles yourself but you are going to hire writers to provide the various articles and web Wholesale content.There are many freelance web sites on the Internet today that serve as a market place for freelance writers to offer their services and a place where you can go and hire them.It is like an Internet employment office.The web site you design for your self can be very simple. Just a few pages long. A home page that describes what your company provides. A contact page for potential web site owners to contact you for your service. A page that has samples of articles and a simple Blog that just keeps things updated.How To Build Your ServiceYou are going to need a lot of time and a budget of around 1000 dollars to get started. You will need to pay writers for the material they write for you, then you send the articles over to your buyer and you get paid from them.As you build your business, you will put yourself in a position where you are bringing in more dollars than you are spending for writers. Thus your profit margin.In the beginning you will be spending most of your time contacting web site owners and finding the ones that can use or have a need for your service.They will tell you what type of articles or content that they need keywords to be used if any and a deadline on when they need this information.Your next step will be to find a good freelance site and place an ad for the type of articles you need written and the amount you are willing to pay for the articles. The pay will usually be by the word, or by every 100 words or a set amount for per article of certain amount of words.At this point the freelances will place a bid on the job. Your job is to then screen each applicant, perhaps look at sample of their work and then hire the one you feel can write the type of articles your particular client needs.Never pay up front for any articles. Always pay for the finished product. Then you simply send the articles to your client a get your payment from them.This can be very simple but profitable business once you build it up and establish your self